Jewellery Care

Our jewelry is designed to be water-resistant, but to maintain its shine and color, following our care instructions is essential. Proper care ensures your pieces stay beautiful and last longer. Treat them well for enduring elegance!

No matter what materials are involved ,jewellery is delicate. You should always remove your jewellery when working with your hands or engaging in activities that involves chemicals

Put your jewellery on after getting ready for any event, the chemicals from make-up and hair products can damage your pieces.

Keep your jewellery pieces away from deodorants, detergents, and a lot of moisture.

Use a 100% cotton cloth or moisture-free wipes to gently wipe off excess make-up and skin oils after wearing and before storing them.

Getting jewellery wet is always bad. it can lead to cracks; a lack of shine and water stains hence keep it in dry places.

Remove jewellery before going to bed to avoid chains breaking or loose gemstones getting lost.

Keep all your jewellery pieces in separate sections so it doesn't get tangled .

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